Site Map
Shopping Categories
- !920's 1930's Floor Lamps
- 1 1/2" (1.5") Fitter Chimney
- 1 1/4" (1.25") Fitter Chimney
- 1 1/8" (1.125") Fitter Chimney
- 1 5/16" (1.3125") Fitter Chimney
- 1 5/8" (1.625") Fitter Chimney
- 1 7/16" (1.4375") Fitter Chimney
- 1 7/8" (1.875") Fitter Chimney
- 1 9/16 (1.5625)Fitter Chimney
- 1-2.5" Tear Drops
- 1.75" (1 3/4") Lip Fitter
- 10" Lip Fitter Globe
- 10" Straight Fitter Shade
- 12" Fitter Student Glass Lamp Shades
- 12" Lip Fitter Globe
- 12" Straight Fitter Shade
- 14" Fitter Student Glass Lamp Shades
- 14" Lip Fitter Globe
- 1900's- 1920's
- 1920's Cast Iron Deco Antique Ceiling Light Fixture
- 1930's
- 1940's
- 1950's
- 1960's
- 1970's +
- 2 1/16" (2.0625") Fitter Chimney
- 2 1/2" (2.5") Fitter Chimneys
- 2 1/4" Fitters
- 2 1/8" (2.125") Fitter Chimey
- 2 3/8" (2.375") Fitter Chimney
- 2 5/8" (2.625") Fitter Chimneys
- 2 9/16" (2.5625") Fitter Chimneys
- 2" Fitter Chimney
- 2.25" Lip Fitter
- 2.25" Lip Fitter Shades
- 2.51 -3.5" Tear Drop
- 3 1/2 (1.5") Fitter
- 3 1/2 (3.5") Fitter Chimneys
- 3 1/2- 4" Fitters Student Glass Shades
- 3" Drop Prisim Clear
- 3" Drop Prisim Colors
- 3" Fitter Chimneys
- 3" Lip Fitter - 3.25" Lip Fitter Globe
- 3" Lip Fitter - 3.25" Lip Fitter Shade
- 3.25 Lip Fitter
- 3.51-4.5" Tear Drop
- 3.75" - 4" Lip Fitter Glass Globe
- 3/4" (.75) Fitter Chimneys
- 4" Fitter Chimney
- 4" Lip Fitter Glass Shade
- 4.51"- Tear Drop
- 5" Lip Fitter Globe
- 5.5"-6.25" Lip Fitter Globes
- 6 7/8" - 7.5" Fitter Student Glass Lamp Shades
- 6" -6.5" Fitter Student Glass Lamp Shades
- 6" Fitter Chimney
- 6" Lip Fitter Glass Shades
- 7 7/8"- 8" Fitter Student Glass Lamp Shades
- 7" Lip Fitter Globe
- 8" Lip Fitter Globe
- 9.5- 10" Fitter Student Glass Lamp Shades
- Acorn Glass Pendent/Ceiling Globes
- Aladdin Mantle Lamps
- Aladdin Style Glass Lamp Shades
- Amber Tear Drop
- Amethyst Tear Drop
- Angle Lamp Chimneys and Elbows
- Argand Trumpet and Gasolier Style Lamp Shades
- Art Deco 1920-1940
- Art Deco Chandelier Glass Shades
- Art Deco Chandeliers
- Art Deco Floor Lamps
- Art Deco Style Glass Lamp Shades
- Art Nouveau 1880-1915
- Art Nouveau Floor Lamps
- Baguette
- Ball Prisims
- Ball Shape 2.25"F Glass Shades
- Banquet Antique Oil Lamps
- Barrel Shape Bell Glass Shades 2.25" Fitter
- Base Felt
- Bases
- Bathroom & Desk Lamp Shades/ Globes
- Bathroom Vanity Wall Sconce Lighting
- Black Tear Drop
- Blue Tear Drop
- Boudoir Lamps (Dresser, Bedroom, Small)
- Brass Pins
- Bridge Floor Lamps
- Bulb Clip Regular & Candle Fitter Shade (B/F), Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Bulbs and socket bulb adaptors
- Burners and wicks
- Candle Covers
- Candle Holder
- Canopy and Setting Rings
- Cast Brass Chandeliers
- Ceiling Light Fixture
- Center Hole Glass Ceiling Fixture Glass Shades
- Ceramic Bedroom Night Stand Lamp
- Cerimic Wall Sconces
- Chain
- Chain Held Glass Shades
- Chandeliers
- Chimney & Hurricane Fitter Shades (C/F), Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Chimney Glass
- Classic Bell Glass Shape Shade 2.25" Lip Fitter
- Cleaners and tools
- Clear Tear Drop
- Clip On Bulb Glass Shades
- Closter Body
- Coleman Style Glass Lamp Shades
- Colonial Crystal Prisims
- Composite Antique Oil Lamps
- Cone Shape Bell Glass Shade 2.25" Fitter
- Cord and Cord Plugs
- Crome Pins
- Crystal Almond & Pear Drop Pendants
- Crystal Chandelier Crystal Lilly Octogon Jewels
- Crystal Chandelier Hexagonal Prism Pendants
- Crystal Chandeliers
- Crystal Drop Chandelier Pendants
- Crystal Finial
- Crystal Frog Drop Chandelier Pendants
- Crystal Pendalogue
- Crystal Plug Drop
- Crystal Triedri Vintage
- Crystals (pendalogues), rods and pins
- Cylinder Chimney
- Desk/Study Lamp
- Dome Style Glass Lamp Shades
- Extra Large Chandelier
- Extra Small Chandelier
- Eye Pins
- Figural Stem Oil Lamps (Newel Post)
- Finial, Risers, Extenders and Harps
- Finials, Knobs, Caps, Risers
- Floor Lamp
- Floor Lamp (Piano/ Extension)
- Flush Mount
- French (a highly detailed pear shape that is flat on one side, raised and faceted on the other side.)
- Girandole candelabra/candelabrum
- Glass and/or Crystal Bedroom Night Stand Lamp
- Glass Astral, Sinumbra and Solar style Lamp Shades
- Glass Hurricane Style Lamp Shades
- Glass Oil Lamps
- Glass/Acrylic/Plastic Shades and Globes
- Gone With The Wind Ball Globes/Shades
- Gone With the Wind style (GWTW) (Hurricane or chamber lamps)
- Green Tear Drop
- Hand/ Night Lamp
- Hanging Antique Oil Lamps
- Hole Fitter
- Icicle/ Pencil
- IES / Reflector Style Glass Lamp Shades
- Kite (kite-shaped
- Lamp and Chandelier Parts (Light fixture parts)
- Lanterns and Parts
- Lava Lamps
- Lily Pad Lamps
- Marble Table Lamps (MTL)
- Maria Theresa Design Chandelier
- Metal Wall Sconces
- Mid Century Modern 1940-1970's Table Lamp (MCM)
- Mid Century Modern Floor Lamps
- Miniature Oil Lamps
- Misc Chandelier
- Miscellaneous Crystal Chandelier Pendants
- Modern Classic Chandelier
- Mogul Socket Floor Lamps
- Nardi and Slip UNO Fitter, Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Neckless Ball Shades/Globes
- Neckless Bell Shape Shades/Globes
- Neckless Cone Shape Shade/Globe
- Neckless Glass shades and Pendants
- Neckless Other Shapes Shade/Globes
- Nickel Pins
- Nipples, pipes and rods
- Novelty Lamp
- Oil Gas Kerosene light fixtures
- OIl Lamp Parts and Accessories
- Outdoor Lighting
- Over 3" Drop Prism
- Pack of Pins
- Pan Light Chandelier
- Pan Lights
- Parlor Antique Oil Lamp (Vase/ Decorative Table/ Reception)
- Pendents
- Petticoat For Chimneys
- Petticoat Style Glass Lamp Shades
- Piano Lamps
- Pink Tear Drop
- Polished Cast and/or Pressed Brass Chanderlier
- Radio Lamps and Radio Lamp Glass Shades
- Red Tear Drop
- Reflector Bowl Fitter Shade (R/F), Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Rods and Pins
- Rosette (flower-shaped.)
- Round or Faceted Crystal Chains
- School House or Pendant Style Lamp Shades
- Schoolhouse Glass Shades
- Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Siding
- Sky Scrapper Head Board and Bedside lamps
- Slip Shade Chandeliers
- Small Drop Crystal Prisim
- Sockets, Insulators, Caps and Sleeves
- Spear
- Stain Glass Shades
- Straight Bell Shape Glass Shade 2.25" Fitter
- Student Glass Lamp Shades
- Switches and knobs
- Tab Fitter
- Table Lamp
- Table Lamp Candle Holder
- Table Oil Lamps
- Tear Drop Pendalogue
- Threaded Uno Fitter Shades (U/F), Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Threaded/Screw On Glass Globes
- Three Socket Floor Lamps
- Torchiere Style Shades Floor Lamp Shades
- TV Lamps
- Two Socket Floor Lamps
- Uncategorized
- Unclassified Fitter, Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Under 3" Drop Prisims
- Vintage Metal Head Board Light Fixture Bedroom
- Wall Antique Oil Lamp {Sconce, Bracket}
- Wall Mounted Lighting (Sconces)
- Washer & Spider Fitter Shades (W/F), Shades Fabric/ Metal/Mica/Fiber
- Waterfall and/or Tiered Chandeliers
- White/ Opal Tear Drop
- Wrought Iron Chandelier
- Wrought Iron Floor Lamps