1900's- 1920's
1970's +
Art Deco 1920-1940
Art Nouveau 1880-1915
Gone With the Wind style (GWTW) (Hurricane or chamber lamps)
Lily Pad Lamps
Marble Table Lamps (MTL)
Mid Century Modern 1940-1970's Table Lamp (MCM)
18" Tall 9" Wide Pair Bronze Blackamoor Candle Holders Electrified Male and Female Table Lamps
13.5"H 5.25"W Cream Color Medium Size Table Lamp
$29.95 $35.00
18.25"H 6.25"W Green/White w/ Gold Trim Table Lamp
Newel Post French Angel Table Lamp Rewired and Finished 16" Tall
5" Aurene Glass Shades - Iridescent Gold Lily
5" Aurene Glass Shades - Iridescent Blue Lily
Small Green/White Table Lamp w/ Shade
$130.00 $145.00
60's Spotted Table Lamps
10 Light Tulip Lamp w/Mettlic Tulip Shades
Gold Floral Design Table Lamp
14" Small Made in Japan Porcelian Male & Female Small Lamp With Crystal Base & Ball
Small MCM Brown CermicTable Lamp w/o Shade
Fenton White coin dot Table Lamp
TL MCM Cream Cermic 1950"s Bedroom Lamp
$95.00 $135.00
Fenton Red Honeycomb w/Petticoat Shade Table Lamp
$525.00 $595.00
Pair of Cranberry Edged Glass Table Lamp
Pair Two red flower med table lamp
Table top bridge lamp
Small wood lamp
Gone with the wind w lions Green leaves green leaves
Lantern table lamp two sockets one in base
Bown w autumn flowers Gone with the Wind table lamp
Brass Gone with the Wind table lamp
Green w flowers Gone with the wind
Brass Gone with the wind table lamp
White glass Gone with the Wind
Large Newer Lamp w/o Shade
Large Tiffany Style Lamp w/o Shade